
Saturday, January 21, 2012

return to civilization

So we here in western Washington, having just lived through another 3 day power outage due to snow, ice, and wind in that order. We hunkered down, connected the little generator to the fridge and a light, and made no bake cookies. Why is it that weather like this makes me want to bake? Either that, or eat bacon on everything. Well, that's not really a change; I'll eat bacon at any given opportunity. At any rate, life as we know it has been restored and now I can get back to knitting this new little purse project. I can hardly wait to see how it turns out, but I think it might take me a while; I've already had to read the instructions twice and that was before I even started.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

guys: long nails don't make you cute

I'm just going to take a moment to give a little advice here; if you're a 20 something guy, having long fingernails does not make you hot.  In. any. way.  Some soap under those nasty things and on the rest of your body would be helpful too.  Just interacting with you in the smallest way made me want to dip myself in some sort of harsh chemical.
going to go check myself for lice now...

Friday, January 13, 2012

Hey there, look at that, a logo and banner!

I'm just so stinkin' proud of myself for navigating through all the blogging options to get my brand spanking new banner!  Thanks to Kelly at www.etsy.com/shop/customgraphics  So quick! so cool! and if I ever get bored with this logo, guess who I'm going to call?

Monday, January 9, 2012

Ack! I'm trapped in etsy!  someone save me!  Between trying get a banner and logo up and taking pictures to list things, I'm completely neglecting the rest of my life.  Well, I did walk the dog this morning, but otherwise, my fanny is numb from sitting in this chair.

How cute are these!  Little Mary Janies for 3-6 month old footsies.  $7.50 on etsy.  Sure, it's the only thing on the page right now, but I'm working on more!

Friday, January 6, 2012

well it's a whole new game

So here I am, beginning a blog for the new business venture The Eclectic Hen.  Part sewing, part painting, part storytelling, with a sprinkle of whatever happens to pop up, I'm hoping this will be something you all will follow as though your lives depended on it.  Or at least you'll stop by every once in a while to see what I've gotten myself into. 
I think it's required to have an introductory "this is my new blog, read it" post, right?
I honestly don't have much to say other than all the good names that I thought of prior to this one are taken.  bummer.  But I'm happy being the eclectic hen.  It's kind of what I am.  Things going on in all directions, running around like a chicken with my head cut off.  And I have chickens, of the hen variety, so that makes sense.  And I'm a mother hen besides.  It's all coming to together now, right?
So now I'm off to get started listing things on Etsy and on facebook and I might even buy myself a domain name.  Nah, I think I'll skip the domain name thing.  I'm not that into designing a web page again.  Too much of a time sucker.  not that etsy isn't...
Have a fabulous day, I'll be a the state patrol getting the Moss Mobile inspected for my beloved.  See?  Gives you something to look forward to, doesn't it?