
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

how to skin and gut a tomato (a tutorial!)

So my mom said she stopped reading my last post at "peel and seed tomatoes".  Lots of you felt the same way.
Here you go, another tomato tutorial right on the heels of the last one.  Hope it helps!

You are going to need: a saucepan of boiling water, a bowl in the sink of ice water, a trash can, and a knife.

First, core a few tomatoes (I do five at a time; it's a manageable number for me, but gets the job done without taking all day).  

Drop them in the boiling water for about half a minute.  

As you take each tomato out of the ice water, you'll notice the skins are coming off.  Help that process along a little as needed, but it kind of does itself (yeah!).
Last step; stand over the trash/compost bin, aim the cut end down and give 'er a squeeze.  The seeds and gunk squish right out and you can toss the rest in the food processor. 
Bam, done.
Go forth, and beat up a tomato..

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